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Yield is a electroacoustic piece written about a character’s relationship with a singular moment. They relive and re-write what happened trying to justify their actions. This ultimately leads to them being stuck in a feedback loop, unable to break out. Through microtonal interactions and contrasting electronics, reality begins to tear leaving the character where they started. By the end, there is no time for them to stop or start down a new path; All they can do is yield.

Ziaire Trinidad Sherman's main role for Yield was to orchestrate the electronics. The electronics signifies the characters disillusion. Use of motor vehicle sounds contrasted with warped synth textures, make for a ride you'll never forget.He also developed a system for the musicians to effectively perform the electronics.

Yield is a collaboration between Bella Rose Kelly and Ziaire Trinidad Sherman

Performed by:

Splice Ensemble | 2023

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